Welcome! 🔐

First of all, we would like to welcome you to the website of the Cybersecurity Chair by ETSISI-UPM in collaboration with INCIBE.

This is us!

The goal of the INCIBE-ETSISI/UPM Cybersecurity Chair is to promote, develop, and strengthen cybersecurity capabilities in Spanish society through four fundamental pillars:

  • Academic Community: Attract, foster cybersecurity skills, and train the future workers and leaders in the cybersecurity field of our country.
  • International Academic Organizations: Strengthen collaboration with institutions in the European Union and around the world, and establish new alliances with international research groups in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Companies, organizations, and technology centers: Establish collaborations for technology transfer and strengthen the cybersecurity capabilities of small professionals and SMEs so they can successfully address the inherent risks of conducting business over the Internet.
  • General Public: Raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity in daily activities and interactions with technology and the Internet, as well as improve the general education and knowledge of cybersecurity among citizens.

Over the next few years, the INCIBE-ETSISI/UPM Cybersecurity Chair will develop a series of activities in each of the four pillars. Want to stay informed? Subscribe to our Newsletter. right here.

Let's get started!


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